How to update your serial number while using OLI with Alliance software.
Occasionally, you will need to update your OLI serial number. This occurs most commonly when the serial number has expired.
The screenshots in this guide show OLI Engine 12.0 in Aspen Plus, but the steps are consistent for Aspen HYSYS, SysCAD, gPROMS, PRO/II, UniSim, Petro-Sim, and previous versions of OLI Engine.
Begin by searching for "OLI Engine 12.0 [product] Security Settings and Test" or "OLI Engine Runtime Security Settings and Test" in the Windows start menu. Once located, open the application. (These instructions apply to all OLI versions)
In the "OLIRegClientTest" window, click the "Open About Dialog" button. (Note: The menu item and the dialog have different names, please excuse the confusion)
In the About dialog, click the Security Options button.
Please note: The screenshot shows OLI Studio; the same dialog appears for Alliance Products.
Enter your new serial number in the "New" field in the Security Options dialog. This serial number will be provided by OLI or your IT administrator. After entering the number, click "OK."
You will then be prompted to close the software and re-open it.
You can now use OLI Engine with your alliance software.
For help, you can always submit a ticket through the OLI Support Center.