Articles in this section

Using OLI Databanks in Honeywell UniSim® Design




Database Types

Accessing an OLI or Specialty Database

Special Situation for UniSim Design




Occasionally, new or updated data becomes available from OLI Systems, Inc. When this happens, private (or user-specific) databanks are distributed in two files with the extensions .DDB and .DIC. Both files must reside in the same folder to function correctly.

OLI recommends the following default local folder for storing these databank files:

\Documents\My OLI Cases\Databanks

Starting with recent versions of OLI software, this folder is now automatically set as the default folder. Users should copy both the .DDB and .DIC files to this directory for proper integration into OLI or alliance partner software.



This tutorial is based on UniSim Design R500 (Build 25081) and OLI Engine for UniSim Design V12.0.0.11. While the general steps may apply to other versions, minor differences in interface or functionality may exist.



This tutorial assumes the following:

  • UniSim Design Installation: You have UniSim Design installed along with the OLI Alliance Suite for UniSim Design.
  • Familiarity with UniSim Design: You are comfortable with navigating UniSim Design and accessing its component views.
  • Access to OLI Databases: You understand how to work with databanks and their configurations within UniSim Design.


Database Types

OLI provides four types of databases:

1. PUBLIC / MSEPUB Databases

  • These are the default databases for the AQ and MSE thermodynamic frameworks, respectively.
  • No configuration or additional setup is required for these databases as they are hard-wired into the system.

2. GEMSE / GEOCHEM Databases

  • These databases are geochemical-specific and are also hard-wired into the UniSim Design interface.
  • The format of the database depends on the thermodynamic framework selected by the user.

3. OLI Standard Databases

  • OLI provides additional standard databases that are not automatically populated in the interface.
  • These can typically be found in the default path: \Documents\My OLI Cases\Databanks

4. Specialty Databases

  • Specialty databases are typically provided for unique use cases, such as consulting projects or bug fixes.
  • These are distributed as .DDB and .DIC files, which need to be manually configured in UniSim Design.


Accessing an OLI or Specialty Database

To use a specific OLI or specialty database in UniSim Design, follow these steps:

  1. Open UniSim Design and navigate to the Simulation Basis Manager.
  2. Select the Fluid Pkgs tab and click the Add button to create a new fluid package.

  3. Scroll down to find the OLI_Electrolyte package and select it.
  4. Additional information about the package will appear on the right. For this example, select the MSE Thermo Model as the default.
  5. Click the View button to access the component configuration.
  6. The default interface will display the Traditional UniSim Design components. Switch to the OLI Electrolyte line to view OLI-specific components.
  7. To enable a non-default database, click the Additional Database button.
  8. Depending on the database type:
    • If using the hard-wired MSE Geochemical database (GEMSE), simply check the box and proceed.
    • If using a custom database (e.g., supplied by OLI or created locally), specify the full file path to the database directory.

  9. OLI recommends using the default path: 
    \Documents\My OLI Cases\Databanks
    However, UniSim Design requires the use of fully qualified paths. For example: 
    C:\Users\[YourUsername]\Documents\My OLI Cases\Databanks

  10. In this demonstration, we have a locally created database called SPECIAL2. To use it, you need to enter the name and then check the box.

If configured correctly, the trace window will update to confirm the database has been loaded successfully.


Special Situation for UniSim Design

For most OLI Engine programs (standalone or alliance partner software), only a single file is needed to be used to create models with user databases. However, UniSim Design has a unique requirement: a second file with the .DIC extension must also be present in the same directory as the .DDB file.

The .DIC file is typically included with the database distribution, but if it is missing, you can create it manually using a text editor like Notepad. The file should be blank and simply share the same name as the .DDB file. For example:

  • Database name: SPECIAL2.DDB
  • Corresponding .DIC file: SPECIAL2.DIC

Ensure both files are located in the folder: \Documents\My OLI Cases\Databanks

This extra step is critical for UniSim Design to recognize and properly use the custom database.



By following the steps outlined above, you can effectively configure OLI or specialty databases in UniSim Design. The default folder structure and file naming conventions ensure compatibility, while the additional .DIC file required for UniSim Design is a notable exception that users should keep in mind.

This setup enables users to access new or updated thermodynamic data provided by OLI Systems, enhancing the accuracy and flexibility of their simulations in UniSim Design. For additional support or guidance, refer to OLI Engine in UniSim documentation or contact support.


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