The objective of this article is to guide users on how to modify the chemistry, particularly the inclusion and exclusion of solid phases, within the OLI electrolyte fluid package integrated into UniSim® Design. This process is essential for optimizing your simulations and ensuring accurate results.
Disclaimer: This example uses OLI Engine 11.5 and UniSim® Design R492.
Modifying the Solids in UniSim® Design OLI Chemistry Models
The OLI electrolyte fluid package is integrated within UniSim® Design, utilizing Honeywell's unique OLI chemistry model generator implementation.
Understanding how to modify the chemistry, particularly including and excluding solid phases, can be crucial for optimizing your simulations. While the concept remains consistent with our standalone OLI software products, the mechanism within UniSim® Design requires a different approach.
To assist you with this, we have a tutorial video that walks you through the necessary steps to manage these changes within UniSim® Design effectively. You can view the video here: