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Updating Your Serial Number in OLI Desktop Software

How to update your serial number in OLI Studio and OLI Flowsheet: ESP desktop applications.

Occasionally, you will need to update your OLI serial number. This occurs most commonly when the serial number has expired. While this process is demonstrated with examples from OLI Studio, the process is the same for OLI Flowsheet: ESP.

In the case that your serial number has expired, you will be presented with the OLI Studio - Security Error window upon opening the software. If this does not appear automatically, go to Help -> About OLI Studio...

NSN Help About OLI Studio F.png

In the Security Error window, click the Security Options button.

NSN Security Error F.png

In the Security Options dialog, please paste in your new serial number in the "New" field (this will be provided by OLI or distributed by your IT administrator) and click "OK."

NSN Security Options F.png

You will then be prompted to close the software and reopen it.

NSN Restart Prompt F.png

You can now run OLI Studio (or Flowsheet) with your newly updated serial number.

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