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OLI Data Locator: How to Generate and Export a Content Listing of an OLI Databank


Generating a content listing of an OLI databank can be useful when you need a detailed list of the components included in a specific databank. While OLI Studio does not have this feature built-in, OLI provides a tool called the OLI Data Locator, which is included automatically upon installation of other OLI desktop software. The OLI Data Locator enables you to generate such lists. This guide will walk you through the steps to create and export a databank content listing using the OLI Data Locator.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is from OLI Data Locator version 12.0. Other versions may have different species available due to continual developments to the databases.

How to Generate a Content Listing of an OLI Databank

If you want to generate a list of components in an OLI databank, you can use the OLI Data Locator, a utility program included with your OLI software installation. Follow the steps below to generate a databank content list:

  1. Locate OLI Data Locator
    The OLI Data Locator can be found on your machine under Start > All apps > OLI Flowsheet or OLI Studio. Ensure that the version you open matches the latest version of the software installed on your machine, as databanks are updated from version to version. Using the most current version of OLI Data Locator ensures that you access the latest databank information.

  2. Opening OLI Data Locator
    The first time you open the OLI Data Locator, it may take some time to load all the databanks. Check the lower-left corner of the window, where a status message will indicate when the tool is ready for use.

  3. Selecting Filters
    OLI Data Locator allows you to apply several filters to refine your search. By default, the tool is set to search using all the available criteria within the MSE (H3O+ ion) thermodynamic framework and the corresponding MSE system databank. You can modify the framework and databank to suit your needs.

  4. Choosing the Framework and Databank
    To start, select the thermodynamic framework you are interested in. For example, in this guide, we will use the MSE (H3O+ ion) framework.

    Next, choose the specific databank from which you want to generate a component list. In this example, we’ll search the Corrosion (MSE) databank.

  5. Generating the List
    After selecting the framework and databank, click on Find Now.

    The OLI Data Locator will begin loading the component list, and you will see the results displayed in the main panel. For instance, if searching the Corrosion (MSE) databank, you may see a message like "318 component(s) found."

  6. Saving the Results
    To save the list of components to a file, go to File > Save Results.

    This will generate a space-delimited text file containing the databank content.

    The saved file can be imported into a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel for further review or processing.

  7. Example of Generated File
    The space-delimited file generated by OLI Data Locator can be formatted and further analyzed in programs like Microsoft Excel. The exact process for importing and managing the data within a spreadsheet program will depend on user preferences.


Using the OLI Data Locator, you can efficiently generate a detailed listing of the contents of any OLI databank. This tool provides flexibility to filter by specific frameworks and databanks, ensuring you access the relevant information. If you need further assistance or encounter any issues while using the OLI Data Locator, please don’t hesitate to contact OLI support.

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