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Deactivating a User

As a client admin you are responsible for managing access to the OLI services on behalf of your users. You can set a users' account to "Inactive" to prevent them from accessing the services listed under the contract they're assigned to.


1. Navigate to the User Management Interface:

  • Log in to the admin portal of your organization at
  • Select "User Roles" from the sidebar to access the user list.
  • Select the target contract from the "Contract List"

2. Select the User:

  • Locate the row corresponding to the user you wish to deactivate. For example, "Additional User" with the email

3. Click the Pencil Icon:

  • Click the red pencil icon in the "Status" column next to "Active".

4. Change the Status:

  • In the modal or dropdown that appears, change the user's status from "Active" to "Inactive".

5. Confirm Deactivation:

  • Confirm the change by clicking the check mark or revert the change by clicking the x.

Note: This action does NOT reclaim and seats assigned to the inactivated user, you must perform this action separately.

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